Alfaseg Surveillance and Security Ltd. Is a company specialized in the provision of security and surveillance.
Serving more than five years in security and surveillance, Alfaseg prides itself on being one of the most skilled professionals in the areas of public and private security. Alfaseg is run under the aegis of ethics and profissionalism, the company achieved and gained, in a short time interval, the respect of its competitors, furthermore is being considered by all as a company that operates in the market, guided by quality and excellence in services.
Currently, Alfaseg has its headquarter in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as an operational base in the city of Macaé, designed to serve the entire Região dos Lagos and Norte fluminense. The company has three segments: Surveillance and security, escort and security events. All segments are conducted by specialized managers, who are subject to the administrative and operational directorates.
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